Special Education
Welcome to the Queen Creek Unified Special Education Department. In Queen Creek, learning is our number one priority. In many cases, students who have special needs may require more supports and services, and we ensure that we provide our students opportunities to gain the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to meet the goals outlined in the District Strategic Plan. QCUSD offers a full continuum of Special Education Services. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team, which includes the student and parent/guardian, uses data to help determine the level and types of supports and services a student might need.
We value our partnerships with community stakeholders, parents, and students and welcome your meaningful, insightful input.
Our goal is to provide you answers and resources to help make your experience with your child a positive one. If you ever have any questions about the services your child receives, or if you feel your child should be receiving services, please give us a call. We are always happy to help you.
Thank you making Queen Creek Unified School District your district of choice.
Steven Ray
Director of Special Education
Phone: (480) 987-5990
Fax: (480) 987-5925
Aubrey Ruhser
Director of Early Childhood Special Education
Phone: (480) 655-6213
Fax: (480) 987-5925
Child Find
If you know of a child residing within the Queen Creek Unified School District who is disabled, or if you suspect that a child may have a disability, regardless of the mildness or severity of the disability, and may need special education and related services, please contact our office.
If the child is younger than three years old, please call Arizona Early Intervention Program (AZEIP) at 1 (888) 439-5609 or (602) 532-9960.
If the child is three through 21 years of age, please call (480) 655-6213. You do not need to be related to the child to refer him or her to our office.
Parent Rights and Resources
Queen Creek Unified School District is committed to providing Special Education Services to all students with disabilities. Each school site student handbook includes relevant Special Education information, including; Child Find information, Annual Notification regarding records and confidentiality, and other important information. For your convenience, a link to the AZ Department of Education Exceptional Student Services link is on the right.
Queen Creek Special Services
Veronica Schneider, Special Services Administrative Assistant
Phone: (480) 987-5990
Fax: (480) 987-5925
Steven Ray, Director of Special Education
Mary Masellis, District Lead Psychologist
Aubrey Ruhser – Director of Early Childhood Special Education
Destruction of Records
Public Notice - Retention of Special Education Records
In accordance with ARS §41-1351, the retention period is four (4) years for special education records. Keeping records for a time period other than their approved retention period is illegal. Queen Creek Unified School District will destroy special education records of dismissed students or students withdrawn from Queen Creek District for four (4) years or more from the current academic year.
Prior to the destruction of records, you have the right to review the records and obtain copies of any information. To obtain records you must be the parent or the legal guardian of the student or the student (age 18 or older). Please indicate your request by contacting the Exceptional Student Services Department at (480) 655-6220 or email special records before December 31.
If you do not contact Student Services on or before December 1, we will destroy all records four (4) years older than the current academic year. This is in accordance with established policy. We store current records electronically. Contact the Exceptional Student Services Department at (480) 655-6220 or email special records to get a copy.
Records Requests
To request a copy of special education records, please email special records and include the student's name and date of birth. You may also call (480) 655-6220.
Contact Us
Steven Ray
Director of Special Education
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Veronica Schneider
Special Education Administrative Assistant
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Barbara Lane
Special Education Clerk/Records
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Antonia Bautista
Special Education Clerk/Medicaid Coordinator
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Aubrey Ruhser
Director of Early Childhood Special Education
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Susan Brickley
Early Childhood Education Administrative Assistant
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