Governing Board

Governing Board members are everyday people in our community, elected to this position by public vote. The Governing Board assists the District in planning, budgeting, and implementing school programs. Our Governing Board meets at least once a month with preference being on a Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the school district office.

The agenda is subject to change up to 24 hours prior to the date of the meeting. You may request information regarding agenda items in advance and/or review them at the office of the superintendent.

The District endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to the public. Persons with a disability needing reasonable accommodation or individuals in need of an interpreter should contact Quincy Nelson at (480) 987-5938 as early as possible to enable the district to provide the requested accommodation.

El Distrito se esfuerza para que todas las reuniones publicas sean accesible al publico. Las personas con discapacidad que necesiten ayuden o individuos con necesidad de un interprete deben de comunicarse con Quincy Nelson al 480-987-5938 lo antes posible para que el Distrito pueda con anticipacion proveer el servicio requerido.

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, the Queen Creek Unified School District states that all notices of the meetings of the district governing board and any of its committees and subcommittees will be posted on this website and on the bulletin board outside of the main entrance to the district office located at 20217 East Chandler Heights Road, Queen Creek, AZ 85142. Such notices will indicate the date, time, and place of the meeting and will include an agenda for the meeting.

Notice is hereby given to members of the Queen Creek Unified School District No. 95 Governing Board and to the general public that a majority of the Queen Creek Unified School District Governing Board members may attend the events listed below. However, no board business will be discussed and no voting action will be taken.

  • ASBA Sponsored Events
  • District Athletic Events
  • Graduation Ceremonies
  • Queen Creek Town/Chamber Events
  • Mesa/Chamber Events
  • Community Events
  • School Events
  • PTO Events

Board Meeting Notices

On June 4, 2024, a few minutes prior to the Governing Board Meeting, QCUSD staff was notified of technical issues that made live stream coverage unavailable to the public. Because of this, QCUSD has provided a link to the June 4, 2024 meeting minutes document. This public document includes all agenda items and board actions that took place.  QCUSD apologizes for the inconvenience and is working diligently to resolve the issue and prevent this from occurring in the future.

QCUSD appreciates the community's understanding and continued support.

QCUSD Governing Board

Samantha Davis
QCUSD School Board
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Jennifer Revolt
Vice President
QCUSD School Board
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Patty Campbell
Board Member
QCUSD School Board
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Matthew Riffey
Board Member
QCUSD School Board
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